44 Parachute Brigade (South Africa)


44 Parachute Brigade Emblem
Active 1978-1999
Country South Africa
Role Airborne Ops

Air-Landed Assault Ops
Heli-borne Assault Ops
Ltd Amphibious deployment
Parachute School
Parachute Depot
Air Supply[1]

Anniversaries 5th May, Paratroopers Remembrance Day
Disbanded 1999
Brig M. J .du Plessis (Founder) 1878 - 1979
Col J. D. Breytenbach (Founder) 1980 - 1982

44 Parachute Brigade was an all-arms formation of the South African Defence Force (SADF) founded on the 20th of April 1978 following the disbandment of 1 SA Corps. Initially within its formation included 2 and 3 Parachute Battalions which were Citizen Force Units (2 and 3 Parachute Battalions were composed of Paratroopers who had completed their initial national service at 1 Parachute Battalion)[2]

Leadership tasked with its establishment were Brigadier M. J. du Plessis and to assist him in the Role of Parachute Staff Officer, Colonel J.D. Breytenbach.

Brigadier du Plessis at the time was the Commanding Officer of the Orange Free State (OFS) Command and a former Officer Commanding of 1 Parachute Battalion. Colonel Breytenbach was a founder-member of 1 Parachute Battalion as well as South Africa’s Special Forces and 32 Battalion.

The chosen location was in the lines of the OFS Command Headquarters, next to the old Tempe Airfield in Bloemfontein, South Africa. (Tempe being the Military Zone within the City of Bloemfontein)

Initially it was agreed that these two Battalions as infantry units were not capable of providing a balanced effective force for conventional operations. This was one of the main drivers for an all-arms formation, with an airborne capability, and later on other units were added including amongst others Engineering, Artillery, Signals, Anti-Air Craft, Workshop and Maintenance and Anti-Tank


Early development of the Brigade – 1979 - 1980

Together with the announcement of the proposed establishment of the Brigade by the then Minister of Defense, Mr. P. W. Botha, in April 1978, approval was also given for the establishment of 44 Parachute Brigade, 44 Field Engineer Squadron and 44 Parachute Brigade Signal Squadron with effect from 1 January 1979. 2 and 3 Parachute Battalions were officially placed under command of 44 Parachute Brigade on the 4th of January 1979, and in May 1979, the Brigade became self-accounting.

In 1980 the Brigade moved its headquarters and constituent units to Pretoria For administrative and accommodation reasons. The Brigade HQ, however, was temporarily de-activated, and the post of SSO Parachute Operations was established under Director Operations at Army HQ. Colonel Breytenbach occupied this post, and was also responsible for the continued administration of the Brigade. On 24 September 1980 the Brigade HQ was re-activated with Breytenbach as un-appointed Officer Commanding and moved to the farm Haakdoringfontein at Murrayhill near Wallmansthal, some 35 kilometers north of Pretoria. This farm once belonged to Commandant General Piet Joubert of the old Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek, and the original stone farmhouse and outbuildings have been incorporated into the Brigade Headquarters.

Murrayhill would serve as the home of 44 Parachute Brigade until the commencement of scaling down of operations and in 1991 Tempe (Bloemfontein) again became its Headquarters

Formalizing of 44 Parachute Brigade - 1981

Since moving to Murrayhill in 1980, the Brigade had experienced relatively little organizational development even though the individual units within 44 Parachute Brigade remained operationally active.

18 Light Regiment (An Artillery Unit) equipped with heavy mortars (120mm), was transferred to the Brigade, and in 1980 a Light Artillery Battery executed a drop together with 2 Parachute Battalion on the Zimbabwean border in the then Northern Transvaal as part of an Exercise called ‘Crossbow’. This further illustrated the need to develop an all-arms approach to the airborne doctrine, training and organization.

One of the key objectives of Lieutenant General J.J. Geldenhuys, SSA, SD, SM, the new Chief of the Army, in 1981 was the formalising of 44 Parachute Brigade. Following this, Colonel F. J. Bestbier took up his post on 1 January 1982 as the first formally appointed Commanding Officer of 44 Parachute Brigade. Colonel Bestbier had previously commanded a mechanized infantry battalion, however he had served with 1 Parachute Battalion for 10 years prior to that.

In 1998 the decision was taken to reduce the brigade to the status of a regiment, and in 2000 the decision was implemented when the formation was reduced to 44 Parachute Regiment (South Africa).

Expansion of the Brigade – 1982 - 1986

During this period the Brigade went through a real period of expansion with additional staff officers being transferred in to the Brigade Headquarters. With the Headquarters established and staffed domestic administration of the Brigade was possible. This period also saw the following developments within the Citizen Force Units:

Approval in principle for the establishment of 4 Parachute Battalion

Approval for the upgrading of the following Sub-Units to:

The following Sub-Units were also activated:

Colonel D. J. Moore took Command of 44 Parachute Brigade on 1 January 1985 having spent 13 years at 1 Parachute Battalion serving 4 of those years as Officer Commanding

In 1985 the Brigade also produced a manual on airborne operations, in which the concept of a Parachute Battalion Group as the basic, balanced airborne assault force is set out, together with its doctrinal employment. Organizations within the Brigade were accordingly amended to conform to this concept, which gave the Brigade the capacity to mobilize three balanced Parachute Battalion Groups.

The Parachute Battalion Group concept - 1988

During 1988 the Chief of the SA Army tasked 44 Parachute Brigade to maintain a full-time Parachute Group Ready for immediate deployment. This was as a result of the changing and uncertain operational situation in Angola at the time. In order to achieve this, several National Servicemen Companies from 1 Parachute Battalion were placed under the operational command of the Brigade. 2 Parachute Battalion and other elements constituted the force from the Brigade side

This combined unit was dubbed ‘14 Parachute Battalion Group’ (The 1 referring to 1 Parachute Battalion and the 4 to 44 Parachute Brigade)

Air Drop Capabilities 1982 - 1986

The Brigade during this period conducted extensive tests on developing a heavy drop capability. The tests first originated at 1 Parachute Battalion in 1982 with stripped-down Land-Rovers dubbed ‘Fireflies’, progressing to successfully dropping light armored reconnaissance vehicles carrying potent anti-tank weapons systems.

Vehicles were dropped by means of both the Platform Extraction System (PLEDS), as well as the Low Altitude Platform Extraction System (LAPES). In 1986 the Brigade also evaluated several proto-types and finally select an Air-droppable Utility Vehicle which was named the ‘Jakkals’ (Jackal) Interestingly the origin of the 'Jakkals' is said to have derived from Colonel Jackel (Technical Service Corps) who developed it

Exercises and Brigade developments 1987–1990

In 1987 the Brigade’s first really large-scale airborne exercise took place with 3 Parachute Battalion Group carrying out Exercise Iron Eagle I in the Batavia area of North West Transvaal, close to the Botswana border. 500 troops, several vehicles and heavy weapons with ammunition were dropped by day from four C130 Hercules aircraft, four C160 ZZ Transall aircraft and twelve DC-3 Dakota aircraft in one lift. Due to various factors, Exercise Iron Eagle II with 4 Parachute Battalion Group, due to take place later in the same year, had to be cancelled.

In March 1988, Exercise Iron Eagle III was carried out by 2 Parachute Battalion Group on the training grounds at Murrayhill. It involved a night drop onto a very rough Drop Zone by 600 men and 34 tonnes of equipment, including 16 vehicles.

The drop was followed by a night march of 12 kilometers and a first light assault on an objective.

In May 1988, Exercise Hornet took place in the Batavia area close to the Botswana Border. This involved a Battalion-sized parachute drop followed by a helicopter deployment which was executed by 3 Parachute Battalion

1988, also saw 101 Air Supply Company come under the command of the Brigade placing the SADF’s complete air supply capability under the umbrella of the Brigade.

Exercise Strandloper which was a large exercise was planned and executed between July and September 1988, 14 Parachute Battalion Group began preparing for this immediately. This exercise was amphibious and was held at Walvis Bay, SWA, and it heralded the start of a new era for the Brigade at the time, one in which this new role would begin to supplement the traditional airborne role.

Following this exercise 14 Parachute Battalion Group was deployed in the Operational Area during April 1989. On returning from SWA, 14 Parachute Battalion Group was a depleted unit with the Citizen Force elements within it having been demobilized.

The depleted Group prepared for and took part in an Exercise known as Sweepslag II/88 together with other conventional forces at the Army Battle School near Lohatlha in the Northern Cape. The Paratroopers travelled 500 kilometres by road from Pretoria only to discover that they would immediately have to participate in a night drop with heavy equipment. The Exercise also involved ‘assaults’ on several objectives and the occupation of a bridgehead.

14 Parachute Battalion Group become a permanent unit of 44 Parachute Brigade with effect from 1 January 1989, amalgamating all parachute qualified National Servicemen elements of the Army for operational deployment in their second year of full time National Service

In September 1989 14 Parachute Battalion group carried out a second amphibious exercise, dubbed Exercise Vlakwater, in the Saldanha Bay area. This exercise also saw a full troop with two gun sections of 14.5mm AA Guns, One Jakkals Vehicle with a Mamba double barreled 12.7 mm AA Gun being deployed in an air drop.

The Brigade was at one stage on stand-by with both 14 Parachute Battalion Group and 2 Parachute Battalion in case events leading up to the SWA/Namibian independence turned sour, but it proved unnecessary to deploy.

With the rationalization of the SADF commencing from the end of 1989 and both 14 Parachute Battalion Group and 4 Parachute Battalion being de-activated, the Brigade again adopted a programme of training, rather than of conducting operations

During 1990 however, Iron Eagle 90, a parachute assault exercise, was carried out at Murrayhill by 3 Parachute Battalion, while 1 Parachute Battalion conducted a heliborne assault exercise known as Exercise Pegasus.

In 1990 the first company of black paratroopers were also trained by 1 Parachute Battalion

44 Parachute Brigade conducted its first skeleton brigade exercise in 1990, combining it with a Naval Gunfire Support exercise in the Lake St Lucia area. It was called Exercise Leviathan.


Operation Reindeer (Cassinga) 1978

The Brigade had barely commenced organizing when less than a month later, on 4 May 1978, the operational situation required the execution of South Africa’s first large scale airborne assault, Operation Reindeer. Prior to this, parachute operations by 1 Parachute Battalion had been rare, consisting mostly of platoon, or sometimes company size. This time the operation called for an assault on a SWAPO base 250 kilometers inside Angola by 367 Paratroopers.

The Brigade mobilized companies from 2 and 3 Parachute Battalions. These were supplemented by mortar, anti-tank elements as well as a rifle platoon from 1 Parachute Battalion. The composite force of a battalion minus, Commanded by Col Breytenbach carried out the first-light parachute assault on a SWAPO base code-name ‘Moscow’, at Cassinga in Angola. The force was closely supported throughout by the South African Air Force, and inflicted heavy losses on enemy, with only four paratroopers being lost in the action during the Operation.

An orderly extraction of the remaining half of the paratroopers went awry with the appearance and counter attack by a Cuban Armored Column. With the planned Landing Zones under fire, the Paratroopers were forced to execute a 'hot extraction' by helicopter troopships. The initiative and perseverance of the leadership resulted in a successful extraction, minimizing of loss and the objective being achieved.

An analysis of the Operation revealed certain deficiencies and shortcomings, namely the need to deploy a pathfinder unit to ensure that drop zones were marked and measured accurately, that the aerial photography was properly analyzed and that the principle of "Unity of Command" be adhered to. The importance of forming a parachute brigade had also been clearly demonstrated.

Operations on the increase - 1979 - 1982

During the early eighties 1 Parachute Battalion had grown in size to the extent that it had eight full-time rifle companies on strength. A permanent Paratrooper Base had been established alongside the Ondangwa Airfield in Owambo, Northern South West Africa, and a company was always on strength and deployed there. At times Citizen Force Parachute Companies would relieve the 1 Parachute Battalion Company for the purposes of rotation and furlough but usually it was a Company from 1 Parachute Battalion stationed there.[3][4]

The Force at Ondangwa were used mainly for reaction tasks and internal ‘Fire Force’ (A manoeuvre involving troops being deployed by helicopter and or parachute drops in the area immediately after an insurgent presence had been reported or sited) Sometimes Paratroopers would be dropped into contacts up to 3 times per day. During 1979 Companies from 1 Parachute Battalion as a part of Operation Bowler achieved remarkably high success rates with Fire Force actions.

Other Paratrooper Companies were also from time to time deployed further south, in the white farmlands, tracking and destroying insurgents’ who had penetrated that far and were sewing terrorism amongst the local population in that area. The numbers of insurgents caught or killed by the paratroopers was steadily increasing.

May 1980 saw the launch of another major offensive by the SADF into Angola, this was known as Operation Sceptic. During this Operation six companies from 1 Parachute Battalion were simultaneously deployed as ordinary infantry and later that year a company from 1 Parachute Battalion executed a successful heliborne assault on a SWAPO / MPLA headquarters at Chitado in Angola. The latter Operation was known as Klipkop.

During Operation Protea, Operation Carnation and Operation Askari 1 Parachute Battalion again deployed their Companies as Normal Infantry and was noted as being instrumental in originating joint operations with the Police. This would serve as the model on which the ‘Koevoet’ Police Unit was established

A Pathfinder Company of the Brigade were deployed primarily doing ground reconnaissance and composed mainly of foreign soldiers, serving a one year contract, who had seen service in the Rhodesian Army airborne units which had since been disbanded when the Marxist government of the new state of Zimbabwe had taken office.

An operational night drop within Angola also took place as part of Operation Daisy in 1981 by Several Companies from 3 Parachute Battalion

For Paratroopers the 1980s were characterized by continual operational involvement in Angola. Citizen Force Companies from 2 and 3 Parachute Battalion were initially also involved, often in heavy fighting as at Evale in Angola in 1981. A Helicopter Operation involving a 2 Parachute Battalion Company together with a Company of Bushmen resulted in the death of one paratrooper and the wounding of several others.

1 Parachute Battalion also continued to reinforce mechanized and motorized battle groups during operations into Angola with the support of its Paratroopers, often using Heliborne Tactics. In 1982 the unit experienced a major setback when a Puma Helicopter was shot down by enemy anti-aircraft fire and 12 Paratoopers perished.

During 1984 to 1986 when Citizen Force units of 44 Parachute Brigade were called up and became increasingly embroiled in the internal unrest situation in South Africa, 1 Parachute Battalion remained virtually the only parachute unit to carry on with operations in South West Africa and Angola. The refinement of the old “Fire Force” technique into the night-time Lunar Operations saw curfews being enforced as a result of night time parachute drops during this period.

Urban and Rural COINOPS – 1984 to 1991

The period 1984 to 1986 saw intense internal unrest within South Africa and most elements of the Brigade as well as the companies of 1 Parachute Battalion were called up to do urban COINOPS. (Counter Insurgency Operations)

Unrest in Black Townships in the Western Cape, Eastern Cape, Witwatersrand and Pretoria saw Infantry Companies of 44 Parachute Brigade, and later complete battalions being used to assist with the maintenance of law and order. These Operations were dubbed Poncho and Zenon.

The gunners of 18 Light Regiment on the other hand found themselves deployed as an infantry battalion to prevent unrest within the homeland of Kwa Ndebele, in an Operation dubbed Windmeul

This period even saw a Battalion of Technical, Maintenance, Signals and other supporting elements of the Brigade being deployed in Soweto as part of an Operation dubbed Xenon

The Brigade’s operational focus again shifted back to rural COINOPS in 1986 and members of the Brigade were deployed along the borders of Zimbabwe and Botswana in an Operation known as Operation Pebble. Battalions who were called up during this period were called up for 60 days at a time for border protection duties

In 1990 however 1 Parachute Battalion again saw further participation in numerous operational deployments to stabilize internal unrest situations in the country.

In January 1991, 2 Parachute Battalion carried out the first operational jump in an urban COINOPS role during a 60 day deployment insurgency role. They conducted a subsequent sweep through a built-up area as part of an Operation called Eardrum.

In May 1991, 3 Parachute Battalion mobilized with a Battalion HQ and two companies within 72 hours to deploy for 30 days in Soweto on urban COINOPS. During this time several operational parachute drops were executed in the urban areas, as part of cordon and search operations.

Climax to the War in Angola – 1987 - 1988

In October 1987, A company of Paratroopers from 1 Parachute Battalion formed part of a battle Group (101 Battalion) involving a rare engagement between the SADF and Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) in an Operation called Operation Firewood. The fighting took place at Indungo and the enemy force comprised a Cuban tank and artillery element with an MK motorized infantry unit.

1987 also was the year when the very last operational parachute drop was executed in Angola as a part of Operation Pineapple, where two companies from 1 Parachute Battalion performed a cordon and sweep maneuvers

Finally, 1987 and 1988 saw the climax of the war in Angola with the battles taking place at Cuito Cuanavale and the Lomba River. Here Pathfinders from 1 Parachute Battalion were heavily deployed in the action and during Operation Modular, Operation Hooper and Operation Packer they assisted liaison teams working between UNITA and the mechanized SADF forces by conducting reconnaissance missions within enemy-held territory in 1987. A Battery from 18 Light Regiment was also deployed in January 1988 to take part in Operation Hooper which included heavy fighting against Cuban and FAPLA (Forças Armadas Populares de Libertação de Angola or People's Armed Forces for Liberation of Angola)

The end in South West Africa - 1989

Colonel McGill Alexander took command of the Brigade on 1 April 1989. He had already been Acting Brigade Commander in his previous post as SO1 for several months prior to this performing detached duties with the Joint Military Monitoring Commission on the Angolan / SWA Border. He had also served with 1 Parachute Battalion, 2 Parachute Battalion and 44 Parachute Brigade Headquarters amongst other postings[5]

Shortly after assuming command of the Brigade he was tasked with mobilizing 14 Parachute Battalion Group (14 Parachute Group is described elsewhere under the heading “The Parachute Battalion Group Concept”) to assist warding off a final infiltration by SWAPO insurgents into northern SWA. The Battalion Group deployed with all its personnel and equipment in an air-landed operation within 14 hours of being told to deploy. The Operation called Operation Merlyn, involved spending several weeks hunting insurgents, chiefly in the mountains of the Kaokoveld. As a result of this effort some 20 insurgents were killed during the operation.

Setting the Strategy for 1990 - 1999

In April 1990 a symposium, termed PARATROOPER 2000, was held between 44 Parachute Brigade and 1 Parachute Battalion and a strategy was developed for the role, training, administration and development of the parachute forces for the next decade

Uniqueness of 44 Parachute Brigade

The Brigade was always involved in major airborne research and development projects, whilst its headquarters, facilities and the adjoining training area (the General Piet Joubert Training Area) were in a constant state of improvement at the time

Up until then 2 and 3 Parachute Battalions were the only constituent units with their own Regimental Colour, each unit has its own flag, and these were to be seen flying at the Brigade’s flag station.

Each unit has its own shoulder flash, though all depict the eagle’s head symbol the South African Paratrooper. 44 Parachute Brigade is, furthermore, unique amongst other SA army formations in that all constituent units, regardless of corps, wear the paratroopers’ Maroon Beret , with the Brigade’s ‘Iron Eagle’ beret badge. The individual’s corps is, however, indicated by a small bar containing the colours of the respective corps, and worn just below the Iron Eagle.

Although still not part of 44 Parachute Brigade at the time, 1 Parachute Battalion through its participation at PARATROOPER 2000, moved the Battalion closer to the brigade, and relations between the two instances went from strength to strength. 1 Parachute Battalion, which has its own Regimental Colour, and a proud shoulder flash depicting a diving eagle, has for many years worn it’s unique cloth beret badge, although the beret is identical in colour to that worn by 44 Parachute Brigade.

According to implementation instructions of the Brigade during the 1990s, the Reverting of 44 Parachute Brigade to a Regiment planning took place during 1998 up until around 7 December 1998. 44 Parachute Brigade was therefore according to documentation at hand a full Brigade until 31 March 1999 with it reverting to 44 Parachute Regiment on 1 April 1999.


FN FAL rifle 1978 - 1979
R4 and R5 Assault rifle1980 to Present
M79 Grenade Launcher (Prior to 1985)
Milkor MGL (Multiple Grenade Launcher)
Patmor 60mm Mortar(Airborne Infantry)
Jakkals Utility Vehicle
Gecko 8x8 ATV[6]
120mm Mortar (Airborne Artillery)

As an Airborne Brigade with various Sub-Units its support Weaponry also consisted of 81mm Mortar (Infantry) and various other standard and non-standard firearms.

Command Structure of 44 Parachute Brigade 1978 - 1998

Officer Commanding

Commander Period
Brig M. J. du Plessis, SD, SM, MMM, SASTK 20-Apr-1978 - 31-Dec-1979
Col J. D. Breytenbach, DVR, SD, SM, SASTK 24-Sept-1980 - 31-Dec-1982
Col F. J. Bestbier, MMM, SASTK 01-Jan-1982 - 31-Dec-1984
Col D. J. Moore, MMM, SASTK 01-Jan-1985 - 31-Mar-1989
Col McGill Alexander, SM, SASTK 01-Apr-1989 - 31-Jan-1992
Col L. Rudman, SM, MMM, SASTK 01-Feb-1992 -
Col G. P. Nel, MMM, SASTK Info outstanding
Col J. H. van der Walt, MMM, SASTK 01-Jan-1997 -
Col B. P. Foke, SASTK Info outstanding
Cmdt. John Brooks Info outstanding

Brigade Sergeant Major

BSM Period
WO1 H.J. MÖller, MMM 01-Jan-1980 – 31-Dec-1982
WO1 G.J. Kitching, MMM 01-Jan-1983 – 31-Dec-1985
WO1 Joubert, PMM, MMM 01-Jan-1986 – 31-Dec-1991
WO1 S.S. Baard, PMM, MMM 01-Jan-1992 – 31-Dec-1992
WO1 J.C. Landman, PMM, MMM 01-Jan-1993 – 30-Jun-1997
WO1 S.S. Baard, PMM, MMM 01-Jul-1997 – 31-Aug-1998
WO1 Rendel PMM 01-Sept-1998 – Information Outstanding

Brigade HQ Unit Commanding Officers

Commander Period
Cmdt W. Dalton 01-Jan-1983 – 31-Dec-1984
Cmdt R Mathews 01-Jan-1985 – 31-Dec-1987
Cmdt V. Hattingh 01-Jan-1988 – 31-Dec-1989
Cmdt G. I. Janse van Rensburg 1990–1991
Cmdt J. W. Lerm 1991–1993
Cmdt G. R. van Rooyen 1994–1996
Cmdt B. P. Foke 1997 – Information Outstanding

Brigade HQ Regimental Sergeant Major

HQ RSM Period
WO1 P. W. van Heerden 1986–1987
WO1 J. Hart 1988–1989
WO1 G. van Rooyen 1990–1991
WO1 S. S. Baard 1992–1993
WO1 A. R. Grebe 1993–1996
WO1 M. A. Helberg 1997 - Information Outstanding

Units within 44 Parachute Brigade

Up until December 1989, 44 Parachute Brigade consisted of many different units. Herewith a breakdown of these, their composition, exercises, operations as well as Command Structure


Active April 1, 1961 - present
Country South Africa
Type Paratroopers (Infantry)
Nickname Parabat
Motto Ex alto vincimus

One Parachute Battalion Ex alto vincimus (We conquer from Above)

One Parachute Battalion is undoubtedly the home of the Parabat which is a South African Army paratrooper. The name is a portmanteau derived from the words "Parachute Battalion". The history of the Parabats and this Battalion started on 1 April 1961 with the formation of the Parachute Battalion. After 1998 this unit was renamed to Parachute Training Centre.


The Parabats have performed many active operations in battle - producing many highly decorated soldiers - in the South African Border War from 1966 to 1989. Arguably, the most famous battle was the controversial raid on Cassinga in 1978. Cassinga was a SWAPO refugee camp and military base in southern Angola, approximately 250 km from the Namibian (then South West African) border. The attack was a full paratrooper air assault and helicopter extraction. The raid lasted several hours and was almost a disaster as the troops did not land as planned.[7] The raid became a political disaster for the apartheid regime because many civilians including women and children were killed.[8] The new SA Government has stopped official celebration of the event in the SANDF.[9]

History of the Parabats

In 1960 fifteen volunteers from the SADF were sent to England, the majority to train as parachute instructors, some as parachute-packers and one SAAF pilot in the dropping of paratroopers. These formed the nucleus of 1 Parachute Battalion at Tempe in Bloemfontein. The first paratroopers were Permanent Force men, but soon the training of Citizen Force (similar to the National Guard:National Guard of the United States) paratroopers commenced. Members of 1 Parachute Battalion were the first S.A. Army men to see action after WWII when, in 1966, they participated, with the South African Police, against terrorist insurgents in S.W.A. (now Namibia).

In 1966, members of 1 Parachute Battalion participated in the first action in the war in South West Africa during a heliborne assault on an insurgent base. Thereafter, Parabats were involved in operations in SWA/Namibia, Angola, Zambia, Mozambique and Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and elsewhere on an almost constant basis for over 20 years.

1 Parachute Bn. was organised as follows: Permanent Force - Batt. H.Q., H.Q. Coy and A and B Coy's; Citizen Force: C Coy Cape Town, D Coy Durban, E Coy Pretoria and F Coy Johannesburg. Further battalions were added: 1 Para Batt. in 1971 and 3 Para Batt. in 1977.

In 1974 and 1975 1 Parachute Bn. operated along the Angolan border with S.W.A; along the Caprivi Strip; a platoon jumped near Luiana, Angola to relieve a group of Bushmen trapped by a SWAPO force; and in Operation Savannah during the Angolan Civil War of 1974-5 when 2 companies of 1 Parachute Battalion were dropped on the northern border of SWA at Ruacana and Santa Clara in Angola to relieve two Portuguese communities trapped by the MPLA.

With the coming of 44 Parachute Brigade in April 1978, under the leadership of Brig. M J du Plessis as O.C. and Col J.D. Breytenbach, a co-founder of the Brigade it became a powerful force. The first large airborne exercise of the Parachute Battalion Group took place in 1987 in the North Western Transvaal (now North West Province). With the eventual disbanding of 44 Parachute Brigade its full time personnel were moved to Bloemfontein and incorporated into the 1 Parachute Battalion Group.

In 1986, the Parabats embarked on their first HALO/HAHO (High altitude Low Opening/High Altutude High Opening) course in Bloemfontein. This would enable the Parabats to drop in to enemy territory from aircraft following commercial routes. Two CIA operatives had previously arrived in South Africa in 1981 to train the Parabats in this new form of freefall.

Its interesting to note that 3 Parachute Battalion reserve force units consisting of A-Company, C-Company and D-Company form an active part of the 1 Parachute Battalion today and are active participants in monthly jumps, exercises, 2 annual water jumps and refresher courses to maintain their professional active status.

Over the years, the S.A. Parabats have participated in eighty-four operations. Forty-five Parabats have been killed in action.

1 Parachute Battalion Training

1 Parachute Battalion was and still is the sole military parachute training institution in South Africa, with its parachute School being responsible for all training. The standards of this school are second to none in the world and it’s proud of a safety record totaling only four fatalities in its existence. 1 Parachute Battalion is a full time unit which in addition to Parachute Training also conducts Force Training to National Servicemen inducted into the unit and other units in the South African Army.

The average age ranges in the mid-twenties. The selection and training of today's Parabats remains exceptionally rigorous to ensure that the standard of combat efficiency is retained at a high level. Generally, members of 1 Parachute Battalion visit the various battalions each year early in the training cycle to look for volunteers. These must then pass a physical test at their unit prior to appearing before a selection board, which examines their character and motivation.

To give would-be Parabats the endurance and the fitness they will need for operations in the harsh African conditions, the instructors of 44 Parachute Brigade place particular emphasis on basic physical training. Young men volunteering for service with the parachute forces first undergo a battery of medical tests - as stringent as that for flying personnel - before setting off on a 5 km timed run. Before they can recover their breath, they tackle the second test: 200m run in which each man carries a comrade on his back.

The applicants are then put through various psychological and physical tests - though these are usually well within the reach of anyone with sufficient motivation and willpower. The real ordeal will then start: for four long months, the recruits Bats will endure forced marches, physical exercises, shooting sessions and inspections - all this barracked by the screams of their eagle-eyed instructors. The South African Parabat instructors, like their British counterparts, enforce strict discipline. For example, trainees always take their grooming kit along with them on 30 km marches and at dawn, when back at the base with aching bones, devote whatever little time is left they have to rest to 'spit and polish'.

Those who are accepted are then transferred to 1 Para, where they first complete the normal three-month basic training course, with some differences: PT three times a day, no walking in camp under any circumstances and a 10–15 km run to end each day. 20 km runs carrying tar poles; car tyres attached to the candidates by a long rope; or the dreaded 25 kg concrete slab that has to be carried everywhere the candidate goes. Some 10 to 20 percent drop out during this phase, returning to their original units. All this builds up to what is called the koeikamp ('cow camp'). It is 3 days of the ultimate challenge of physical and psychological endurance.

The would be Parabats get a 24 hour ration pack or 'rat pack' for the duration of the selection. During these days, they are given several tasks to perform in an allocated time: Several 20–30 km Night marches/runs with 25 kg bergens, boxing, 75 kg stretcher run over 20 km, digging trenches and the carrying of artillery canisters over 10 km during a timed run are just a few of the tasks that has to be completed. On top of all this the candidates are out in the African bush with no showers, hot meals or beds after each grueling day. Each year the sequence of what ‘tests’ will be done to get the strongest out of the ‘wannabees’ changes, so it comes as quite a surprise each year. Due to lack of sleep, hunger and extreme physical tasks many of the men give up. After all the above tests, the few remaining soldiers head back to camp were they have to complete an obstacle course called the "Elephant". Some foreign Elite soldiers claimed this to be one of the hardest bone breaking obstacle courses ever. Again, this is a timed exercise , which has to be completed several times, its also done with full battle kit. Again the instructors are looking for any hesitant students during the high obstacles and underwater swim through a narrow tunnel. At the end of the "Elephant" several more students drop out due to injury or not completing the course in the required time. At this point the course has been completed. However there is always the 'bad surprise" which has historically become part of the Selection Phase

After a six month ordeal, the selected few (about 40% of the original intake), make the 12 jumps required to obtain their wings. During this time, the chances of being disqualified are still very high. This phase is followed by some advanced individual training, during which such subjects as advanced driving, demolitions, tactics and patrolling, unarmed combat, survival skills, escape and evasion, aspects of guerrilla warfare, tracking, raiding, counter-insurgency operations, fast rope skills, ambush and anti-ambush techniques and foreign weapons and techniques are covered.

Their instructors, however, always find that something is left to be desired with the inspection which invariably follows. To harden their muscles, trainees are made to carry a telegraph pole for two days, at a rate of 20 km daily. Back at base, the 'marble', a stone weighing about 25 kg which the soldier must carry wherever he goes, is used as a substitute for the same purpose. The detailed training programme is listed below:

Tannie Mossie

A very distinctive tradition of the Parabats involved 'Tannie Mossie' (English: Aunt Sparrow).

Tannie Mossie is Ms Joan Abrams, a teacher in the city of Bloemfontein. She chose the name after the legend of a group of women who requested government to put a sparrow on the smallest coin in South Africa’s currency denomination. The reference comes from the Bible in Matthew 10:29: "Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father".

Tannie Mossie wanted every soldier to know that God will protect them “falling from the sky” with their parachutes. She handed every soldier a necklace, consisting of a half cent on a string of para-cord, before they were deployed for active duty, telling them the story of the women and of Matthew 10:29. She truly loved the soldiers and the duty they were doing for their country and took it upon herself to be a mother or loving aunt to all of them. She enlisted thousands of elementary school children to write letters to the parabats, usually titled: Liewe Oom Dapper Soldaat (Dear Uncle Brave Soldier).

These letters made an impact on many soldiers, not only providing a face of the innocents that the soldiers were protecting, but also much more. Even soldiers killed in action were found with some of these letters, tattered from repeated reading, folded inside their pocket Bibles. Lifelong friendships were found with families from these letters and an unknown amount of motivation came from them.

Apart from letters, Tannie Mossie made sure that paratroopers regularly got other mail, food parcels, visits and even published a few books – which were mostly compilations of soldiers’ tales.

Two Parachute Battalion

Content forthcoming

Three Parachute Battalion

Content forthcoming

Four Parachute Battalion

Content forthcoming

44 Pathfinder Company 1980 - 1982

In the early 1980s and following the creation of Zimbabwe a number of former Rhodesian Army Soldiers joined the SADF on short contract. Some were absorbed into 32 Battalion and others, mainly Rhodesian professional soldiers, were recruited by Col Breytenbach into 44 Parachute Brigade to serve as a new fighting arms within the brigade. These British, Rhodesian and American Troops were at that time humorously referred to as 'The Philistines' because of their haughty attitude towards Counter Insurgency Warfare.

After their selection and induction these recruits underwent further training in bush warfare and conventional pathfinding methods as a part of 2 pathfinder selection courses. This training by early 1981 produced sufficient personnel to be deployed on active service.

Their envisaged role was to conduct mobile, fighting patrols deep inside Angola. They were highly trained in counter-terrorist operations and already self-sufficient and in most cases independent from the rest of the SADF.

They were based at Ondangua, SWA and from there they would launch patrols into Angola mostly led by Colonel Breytenbach. This force in its short and controversial history proved to be highly successful and when Colonel Breytenbach left the Brigade in 1982 they were disbanded. Before its eventual disbandment the Pathfinders were involved to a degree in giving instruction to 44 Parachute Brigade’s Citizen Force Paratroopers, however on the completion of their one year contracts some chose to leave the SADF whilst others which were the majority, were transferred to 32 Battalion.[10]

44 Pathfinder Platoon

Content forthcoming Pathfinders History

“Endurance is one of the most difficult disciplines, but it is to the one who endures that the final victory comes.”


From 1976, 1 Parachute Battalion possessed a limited pathfinder capability in the form of a small group of permanent force members who were Dropping Zone Safety Officer and Freefall qualified. They were the following members:

Capt. J.E.Rabie Lt. J.C. Van Wyk 2 Lt. M. Ellis 2 Lt. M.J. Boon Sgt M. P .J. Liebenberg Cpl. D.W. Van Zyl Cpl. J.J. Grobler

They had no other specialized training except that of paratrooper soldiering. These members all had fixed posts within 1 Parachute Battalion and were grouped together on an ad hoc basis when required mainly for training exercises.

No formal structure, command system, specialized equipment or operation procedures existed.

In May 1978 Operation Reindeer took place, part of which was the airborne assault on the Angolan town of Cassinga. Although the final outcome of the assault can be regarded as a success, it became clear during the operation and debriefing, that a method of guaranteeing the correct and safe dropping, grouping and especially the extraction of paratroopers, was urgently required. That capability did not exist, especially the means to covertly insert behind enemy lines and to do a reconnaissance on the target.

This led to the then CO of 1 Parachute Battalion, Col. D.J. Moore, requesting Maj Joos Rabie to formulate staff and equipment tables and to establish guidelines for the formation of an extended Pathfinder capability within 1 Parachute Battalion. The guideline that was followed was copied from the British SAS, USA Pathfinders and the Reconnaissance Regiments of the SADF. The aim was to train the Pathfinder to be on par with the Recce’s in their training schedule regarding land warfare, but specializing in pathfinder and airborne operations.

2Lt Jacobus. C. Hoon and 2Lt Pierre Lundberg together with Cpl's I.J. Pretorius and Daniel. J. Schutte was the first Permanent force leader group that commence with the training of the first group of Pathfinders in September 1978. This first group consisted of the above four members as the leader group and nine national serviceman, namely, Lt. P.I. Niewoudt Lt. V. Nel Sgt. L. Ackerman Sgt. D. Nibet Sgt. J. Keuler Sgt. M. A. Nel L/Cpl. L.L.M. van Tonder L/Cpl. C. Landman L/Cpl. M. Steyn

The training schedule of Recces was followed for the new Pathfinders. The Pathfinders underwent Minor tactics and Survival, Tracking and Bush craft training at Fort Doppies in Caprivi. The other training courses like, Freefall, Medical, Signallers, DZ and other were done in Bloemfontein. Specialized equipment was also enquired like strobe lights (for DZ marking), webbing and back packs, weapons etc. to allow the pathfinders to do their job. In general the Pathfinders were far better equipped than the normal paratrooper soldier. The Pathfinders also operated using camouflage uniforms and Soviet Block weapons when doing operations behind enemy lines.

As the war in Angola was still very low in intensity, the first group of Pathfinders were seconded to Special Forces (Selous Scouts) in the Rhodesia bush war were they did further orientation courses and were deployed operational.

After the first Pathfinder group of 1978 it was decided to train new National Service Pathfinders on a yearly basis.

In the second intake of national service members of 1979 the Pathfinders were joined by Maj John Murphy (ex USA Marines and Vietnam, Ex Rhodesian SAS, Ex Selous Scouts)who was seconded from 1 Reconnaissance Regiment and joined them towards the end of the selection/training phase just before they were slotted to go operational (Nov/Dec 79). They did a week or two orientations with the Selous Scouts. Again this group were deployed and seconded for operational service in the formal Rhodesia as part of the Selous Scouts, doing mainly reconnaissance and fire-force work.

During 1980 there were national service members trained as Pathfinders, including a permanent force group consisting mainly of foreigners whom joined the SADF after the independence of Zimbabwe. The Philistines, as they became known, was officially formed in Nov 1980 by Col Breytenbach, the Officer Commanding 44 Parachute Brigade and they were named The Pathfinder Company. Captain Botes, who served with 32 Battalion, became commanding officer of the unit and WO2 McAleese, who served in the British SAS, was recruited as the company sergeant major. This group of Pathfinders did not fall under the command of 1 Parachute Battalion but rather 44 Parachute Brigade .In January 1982 Col Bestbier took over command from Jan Breytenbach and the first thing he did was to disband the Brigades Pathfinder company and transferred those who were still under contract to the SADF to 32 Battalion.

Only five members stayed on at the Brigade that formed the core of a newly formed training wing. They were AO2 Peter McAleese (British SAS), Sgt Derek Andrews (Selous Scouts), Cpl Terry Tagney (RLI), Cpl Chris Rogers (RLI), and Cpl Jock Philips (RLI). They stayed on until end 1983.

From the 1981 National Service intake there were again Pathfinders trained that came operational at the beginning of 1982. The training regime was kept the same as the first two groups and again some of the training was done at Fort Doppies. This group did operational service at Ondjiva and fell under the command of Jamie Hill (member of the first PF pathfinder group of 1976) and Paul Troll (Both of 44 Para Brig) at SWATF 101 Battalion. The 101 Owambos were the trackers, translators and the backup fire power with 60 mm mortars and LMGs were the Pathfinders were the team leaders and medics of the group. They operated in small team clandestine operations (four man teams, two Pathfinders and two Owambos in a team) in Angola looking for weapon caches and doing OPs for the upcoming expected rainy-season offensive in 82. For their service that group of Pathfinders were awarded the C SADF Commendation Medal.

After their deployment at 101 (from Jan 82 to August 82), Capt Pierre Lundberg was again asked to command the national service pathfinders, which he did until the end of 1982.He was joined by Lt John Tawse. Both Capt Pierre Lundberg and Lt John Tawse left the Battalion in Jan 1983 to joint respectively 4 Recce in Langebaan and 31 Battalion Recce at Omega, Caprivi on a permanent basis. After they left, the Pathfinders had no Permanent Force leadership for almost 4 months until Capt John van Aswegen came onboard and he took over as the Pathfinder CO. (John van Aswegen was a former member of the Rhodesian SAS and 6 Recce/1 Recce )

All the subsequent Pathfinders groups followed the similar training schedule as the first three groups in contents and quality.

In November 1983, van Aswegen moved to 44 Parachute Brigade and became the new CO of the newly formed 44 Parachute Brigade Pathfinder Company.

2.1 Pathfinder statistics

But how many pathfinders were trained? From 1978 until October 1989, the end of the bush war, the Pathfinder Company commitment in 44 Parachute Brigade has been as follows (Only citizen force members):

98 members have successfully completed course during their National service, of which 62 members attended citizen call-up camps. A further 86 members have done training camps or brigade exercises and 67 members participated in operations in the SWA/Angola Operations Area.

As at 1989 the company strength stood at 86 members.

The Pathfinders were a relative small group of soldiers. By comparison, the Reconnaissance Regiment from the formation of 1 Reconnaissance Commando at Oudtshoorn in 1972, to end of the Angolan/Bush war (1989) has over 450 qualified Recce operators; an average of 26 to 27 operators a year, while there were only 98 qualified Pathfinders from 1978 up to 1989, an average of 9 Pathfinders per year.

I must also mention that the Pathfinders were the only Special Forces troops in the SADF that mostly comprised national service members and that only their officers were Permanent Force members. In the Recce Regiment and in 32 Battalion all the members were required to join the Army in a permanent capacity (five years) or at least in short-term duty which was three years long.

The fact that the Pathfinders were national service men worked against them. The leader group in 1 Parachute Battalion and 44 Parachute Brigade (which were mostly career soldiers), followed the age old tradition of the British Army with their very strict rank and chain of command and had very little understanding of how Special Forces work. They were also used to a certain warfare doctrine which include “shock and awe” and were not used to special operations which revolved around clandestine and reconnaissance operation. Small, close-knit elite units function best when run in an egalitarian manner. There is a chain of command in good special operations units, but no one works hard at wielding power. Sometimes the operator with the most experience assumes command for that specific operation. Out of my own experience there were instances were I took command over Colonels and Sergeant Majors, which is totally out of the norm in the regular army. In units like the Recce Commando’s and 32 Battalion the ethos of Special Forces were understood and practiced by the leader group. The Pathfinders were sometimes “standing alone” in the Parachute battalions as their war doctrine and command ethos differs radically from that of the normal Paratrooper Companies. A further problem was that there has always been a problem getting commanders to understand how to use specialist’s forces. These days an airborne battle-handling course is presented at 44 Parachute Regiment where all these issues are dealt with and every junior officer in the airborne has to attend one.

But what about combat experience and lessons learned on the battlefield? This was preserved and transferred to the next group of Pathfinders via the Permanent force officers. Most of the Citizen Force Pathfinders were called up for refreshers courses and the latest battlefield lessons were imparted in them during this call-ups. The officers and many groups of Pathfinders were also trained by elements of Recce Regiment and many of the battlefield experience the Recces enquired were also transferred onto the Pathfinders.

44 Anti-Tank Company

Content forthcoming

Command Structure of 44 Anti-Tank Company

Commanding Officer
Commander Period
Lt S.J. Pienaar 01-Jan-1985 – 3-Mar-1986
Capt Du P. Lombaard 01-Apr-1986 – 31-Dec-1989
Capt N.Q.E. Smart 01-Jan-1990 – Information Outstanding


Parachute qualified gunners who emerged from National Service served in one of 2 Artillery Batteries, namely 41 Battery (4 Artillery Field Regiment) and 141 Battery (14 Artillery Field Regiment)

The account that follows is about one of these Batteries, namely 141 Battery

141 Battery and its role in Airborne Artillery

A certain 2nd Lieutenant Herman van Niekerk had transferred from the Military Academy to the recently re-activated Artillery Regiment in Potchefstroom in late 1974.[11]

The idea of an Airborne Artillery Battery had already been adopted by the SADF

Already a qualified Paratrooper and the only one in the South African Artillery at the time, he was sent with 4 others in February 1975 to Israel to master the 120mm mortar. The four in question were Captain Chris Bouwer, 2nd Lieutenant Herman van Niekerk, W01 Anton Greef, Staff Sergeant Sampie Claasen and a Sergeant Rautenbach from Ordinance.

The five spent three weeks in the Negev Desert training with the Israel Defense Forces(IDF), however up until 1978 nothing had transpired regarding an Airborne Artillery even with Paratroopers and Gunners having fought together in Operation Savannah (Angola), still no one was convinced

By this time Herman van Niekerk was Captain and Commander of 141 Battery and had made numerous official requests to develop an Airborne Capability but these were on each occasion ignored.

It is said that in a bold move he drove to the Headquarters of the SADF in Voortrekkerhoogte, Pretoria. There, in an empty office he wrote a complete Telex tasking the South African Air Force (SAAF), Army Air Supply Wing, Waterkloof Air Force Base (AFB), 44 Parachute Brigade, Director of Artillery and the Officer Commanding of 14 Field Artillery Regiment to (1) Combine (2) Plan and (3) Execute the air supply of the 120mm Mortars at Waterkloof Air Force Base and to follow up with operational applications thereafter. The telex was classified as “Secret”, and in order to avert any queries that same day he handed it to the Telex Officer to distribute to the various units that evening. The signatures on the telex were all fraudulent but first-rate, as no one questioned or suspected anything.

By lunch time the next day Captain van Niekerk was summonsed to Office of the Commander of 14 Field Regiment and was briefed by him and his 2IC on the contents of this “Secret” Telex. And so started the Airborne Artillery, with a fraudulent Telex. As a result of Herman’s audacious efforts, the vision of an Airborne Artillery was realized, a truly and amazing feat.

Subsequent to this the first successful airdrop of 141 Artillery Battery, with four 120mm Mortars and ammunition occurred and the concept was established.

Henceforth parachute training had opened up for the Artillery and they were subject to the same selection and parachute course qualification requirements in order to qualify as Paratroopers, this sometimes to the absolute grief and horror of certain “elements" in the Infantry. Herman van Niekerk went on from 14 Field Regiment to join Special Forces, successfully completing the vigorous Recce selection course and qualifying as an Operator, where he distinguished himself eventually rising to the rank of Colonel.[4]

18 Light Regiment

18 Light Regiment
Active January 1977 to present
Country South Africa
Type Airborne Artillery
Motto Primus inter pares (First Amongst Equals

Claimed to be "The only Airborne Artillery Regiment in Africa"

The Establishment of 18 Light Regiment - 1977

18 Light Regiment in contrast to most South African Artillery units was one of the more "modern" artillery regiment that was created to cope with modern warfare requirements.[12]

The need for a Light Artillery Regiment that could support paratroopers during air assault operations was identified in the early 1970s however the Regiment’s was official established only in January 1977. Located with its Headquarters in Randburg, Transvaal it was then still part of 1 SA Corps. Its name was allocated by the then General N. van den Berg.

Leadership Group – 1977

On 15 November 1977, Cmdt G.C. Olivier from 7 Medium Regiment was appointed as the first Commanding Officer. With 1 SA Corps disbanding in 1978 the Regiment was transferred to 8 Panzer Division.

In March 1978 the convening of the first order group took place at which Cmdt Oliver, Lieutenant Geoff O’Connel, 2nd Lieutenant L Louw and Candidate Officer K J Eaton set about prioritizing the Creation of a Leader Group and Training Program for Officers and NCO’s.

First Call up (Camp) - 1978

The first call up of the Regiment took place from 13 November to 8 December 1978 at the Army Battle School at Lohatla. At the time of the call up the unit consisted of one Battery and a Regimental Headquarters. The Regiments initial intake consisted of the Ops Savannah veterans of 141 Battery of 14 Field Regiment and 41 Battery of 4 Field Regiment. None of the troops allocated to the unit were parachute qualified. The Leadership group appointed on this call up was Lieutenant Geoff O’Connel (Battery Commander) and Lieutenant Loekie Louw and Candidate Officer Ken Eaton as Mortar Post Officers. Sergeant Basie Botma performed the duty of acting Regimental Sergeant Major during this camp. Bombardier Eugene Greyling performed the duty of Battery Sergeant Major.

Towards the end of the camp the Regiment was commended by the Army Battle School for no losses or damage to any equipment. This was set as proud characteristic and benchmark for future call ups.

Gearing up for future Camps – 1979

During 1979 the Regiment secured the recruitment of a Signals Officer namely Candidate Officer Carl Ferreira. Sergeant Major 2nd Class Tinus Delport was also transferred to the Regiment and appointed as official Regimental Sergeant Major.

The Regiment was better positioned for its second training camp ‘Exercise Blinkspies 2’ (Shining Spear 2) which was held from 25 October 1979 to 24 November 1979. The Chief of the Army, Lieutenant General Constant Viljoen honors the unit with a personal visit on during this Exercise.

Expansion of the Regiment – 1980

1980 saw much activity taking place within the Regiment including the take on of new members from the Training Units. The regiment at this stage consisted of 181 Battery and 1 Troop (Half a Battery – equivalent of 4 mortars) from 182 Battery.

9 new Candidate Officers emerge from the efforts of Training Programmes initiated in 1978 and as a result leadership shortages are addressed. Regimental Sergeant Major Delport steps down and Staff Sergeant Basie Botma is appointed as Acting Regimental Sergeant Major. Capt Geoff O`Connel completes his Active Citizen Force commitments and Lieutenant Loekie Louw is appointed as Battery Commander of 181 Bty. 2nd Lieutenant Rob Ferguson is appointed as Battery Commander for 182 Bty.

The first batch of parachute qualified Gunners under the leadership of Lieutenant Pierre Jacobsz, is also transferred to the Regiment in December 1980.

Airborne Role and incorporation into 44 Parachute Brigade – 1981 - 1982

With Cmdt Gerrie Olivier retiring on 7 May 1981, Maj Johan Cloete was transferred to 18 Light Regiment as acting Commanding Officer. Lieutenant Loekie Louw is promoted to Captain and Adjutant of the Regiment

On the 25th of May 1981 Colonel Jan Breytenbach, the Officer Commanding of 44 Parachute Brigade, visits the Regiment and the future Airborne strategy and role of 18 Light Regiment is spelled out as support to the newly formed 44 Parachute Brigade with Artillery Firepower during Airborne Operations, or any other Operations of the Brigade.

In June 1982 the Regiment was incorporated into the newly formed 44 Parachute Brigade and its new base, Murray Hill. Attempts were made at the time by the Brigade to change the Regiments name to 44 Light Regiment, but this idea did not meet the approval of the then Chief of Army.

18 Light Regiment was structured slightly different from the other conventional medium artillery regiments. The Regiment consisted of a small RHQ element and 3 Batteries, namely 181,182 and 183 Battery. Each battery consisted of two troops, each with four 120 mm mortars. Each mortar detachment consisted of five Gunners.

The 120 mm mortars of the Regiment gave it an ideal airborne capacity. The Regiment could now be deployed as a true light artillery regiment. Colonel Frank Bestbier the successor of Col Breytenbach wastes no time in integrating the Gunners into their new airborne role. The Colonel was known to refer to the Regiment as "my Gunners ".

In order to fulfill its airborne objective the Regiment would only consist of Gunners that qualified as paratroopers. The existing Officers and men of the unit who were not yet qualified took this as a challenge and in March 1982 the leader element was sent to 1 Parachute Regiment in Bloemfontein for parachute training.

The Regiments traditional blue artillery barrettes were now exchanged for the maroon paratroopers barrettes. New terminology and orders such as "Port and Starboard, Fit Chutes, Action Stations, Stand Up - Hook Up, Stand in the Door and DZ ", soon became part of the Gunners new lingo.


Exercises “Ubique” - 1982

In November 1982, 181 Battery made its first airborne deployment at the General Piet Joubert Training Area. The jump included a 120mm mortars drop with full ammunition and equipment. Battery Commander during this drop was Captain Loekie Louw with Lieutenant Clive Wedderburn and Lieutenant Paul Theron as Troop Commanders. WO2 Basie Botma as BSM with S Sgt Vic Victor and Sgt Shaun Hubach the two Troop Sergeant Majors

On 11 December 1984 the regiment deployed all 3 Batteries in a single airborne drop as a part of Exercise “Ubique” The Mortars, equipment and ammunition were carried and dropped by three C130’s and a total of 200 Gunners, NCO’s and Officers followed in three C160 troop carriers. The three Battery Commanders on this drop were Captain Loekie Louw (181 Battery) Lieutenant Clive Wedderburn (182 Battery) and Lieutenant Paul Theron (183 Battery)

It was recorded by the Military Media at the time that the drop was recorded between 800 to 950 feet, took approximately 50 seconds for all equipment and men to be on the ground. With Chutes stored the men deployed to their firing position within minutes and commenced fire on a target that was successfully and completely destroyed. These 3 Batteries were also airlifted and deployed later by helicopter as a part of the same exercise

Attendees at this exercise included various high ranking officers including amongst others General van den Berg (Master Gunner), Col A. Moore, and Col P.C. De Beer Venter, (Director Artillery).

The vision of the 1970s to have an Airborne Artillery Regiment was attained and now the Regiment could truly claim to be the only Airborne Artillery Regiment in Africa.

The first Regimental Parade took place at the end of the Exercise attended by all 3 Batteries. Cmdt G.C. Oliver was presented as Honorary Colonel of the unit as a part of this parade

Exercise Iron Eagle 1 – 1987

On 25 May 1987 the Regiment participated along with rest of the Brigade in one of the largest peacetime drop of paratroopers at the time.

This exercise was of great importance to the Regiment as it saw the debut of the Regiments answer to its transportation problem. Once on the ground the batteries were hampered by a lack of mobility. The moving of tons of ammunition and equipment became a major logistical concern. To solve this problem 44 Parachute Brigade developed the "Jakkals" (A small “jeep like” vehicle) with mountable 50 Browning or 7.65 mm MAG and trailer that could be dropped by parachute.

Exercise “Strandloper” (Beachcomber) - 1988

From July to September 1988, 181 Battery participated as part of the then 14 Parachute Battalion Group in an amphibian exercise held in Walvis Bay, SWA with Major Loekie Louw in Command of the Battery and Captain Craig Weyer acting as Observation Post.

The exercise consisted of SAS Tafelberg, a replenishment ship from the South African Navy, and six other naval attack crafts. As a part of the training leading up to the exercise Paratroopers received amphibian orientation with the Navy and Marines.

Amongst others the objective of the exercise was to establish a beach head from where an attack could be launched and Captain Craig Weyer of 181 Battery directed naval gun fire (NGF) on a target area. 181 Battery also delivered accurate firepower on a target at H-Hour


Operational Duties - 1988 - 1989

In March 1988, 182 Battery under the Command of Captain Johan Borret participated in the 3rd attack on Quito Cuanavale during Operation Hooper and Operation Packer. Deployed in a primary role as Artillery and tasked with engaging targets on the West Bank of the Tumbo River it came under return fire by FAPLA within the first hour and on and off during the remainder of the attack. During this operation 2 Gunners were lightly wounded.

During 1989, 183 Bty exchanged their maroon paratroopers’ berets for the light blue berets of the UN peace keeping force. The battery, commanded by Captain Andre Pelser formed part of the Joint Military Monitoring Group (J.M.M.C) to assist in the overseeing of the withdrawal of the SADF from Namibia and the Cubans from Angola.

1989 also saw the last Citizen Force camp of 60 days and the deployment of 182 Battery in direct formation with 3 Parachute Battalion. 182 Battery was tasked with Border Patrol duties along the Limpopo River. (South Africa, Zimbabwe and Botswana) Based at Almond Base in the Weipe District this battery was commanded by Sean Andrews.

A handful from 182 Battery Gunners chose to be assigned to 3 Parachute Battalion in Sector 10, SWA in December 1989 and January 1990. Here they served in an Infantry capacity patrolling the area of Northern SWA and on Fireforce Standby. This all just before the withdrawal of the SADF from Angola and the then South West Africa

Urban and Rural COINOPS – 1984 to 1991

As with the rest of the Brigade each individual unit were also deployed for internal unrest operations. 181 Battery were deployed under the command of Captain Clive Wedderburn at Kirkwood in the Eastern Cape. It served a dual stabilization role as well as efforts to improve the conditions of the local community. For it’s efforts 181 Battery was awarded with the Chief of Army Merit Certificate for Exceptional Duty.

In September 1985 Captain Loekie Louw commanded 181 Battery for border patrol duties at Madimbo on the Zimbabwe Border. Standard border duties were followed including improvements to the base and with the skills base having been improved there was ready access to skilled artisans and technicians for the purpose of maintaining equipment and infrastructure. The Battery was divided into 3 rotations where 2 rotations were patrolling in the bush and along the fenced border areas the 3rd rotation was deployed with the upkeep of the base. No incidents of insurgency were recorded however the occasional attempt at illegal border crossings was prevented

During 1987 the entire regiment was called up to maintain law and order at Mamelodi, East of Pretoria, Mthombo in Port Elizabeth and Kwaggafontein which is East of Mafeking. 181 Battery under the command of Captain Pierre Jacobsz deployed at Mthombo. 182 Battery under the command of Captain Johan Borret deployed at Mamelodi and 183 Battery under the command of Lieutenant Marcus van Heerden deployed at Kwaggafontein

Scaling-Down and its impacts on 18 Light Regiment

1991 was a year of many changes for 18 Light Regiment, with the movement of 44 Parachute Brigade Headquarters to Bloemfontein its own Headquarters moved from Murray Hill to the Paulshof Building in Pretoria. Due to other commitments the leadership group at the time also underwent changes and with the creation of the SANDF in 1994 the Brigade was scheduled for a planned downscale to that of a Regiment. With this 18 Light Regiment was transferred soon thereafter to the Artillery Formation in Pretoria and was located at Magazine Hill, with TSA as its neighbour.

Regimental Coat of Arms

The Regimental coat of arms was designed by George Gravette and with the motto "Primus Inter Pares" (First Amongst Equals) is an emblem to be proud of. The Regimental Coat of Arms depicts the well known Griffon of 44 Parachute Brigade with adaption’s to distinguish Artillery from Infantry and other members of 44 Parachute Brigade. All Shoulder Flashes of 44 Parachute Brigade have the same Griffon, however 18 Light Regiment has the Artillery ‘Lightning Bolt’ which runs horizontally just above the Griffon

As with all in 44 Parachute Brigade, 18 Light Regiment Paratroopers also wore the Coveted Maroon Paratrooper Beret with an Iron spread-eagled Griffon and the Artillery Beret Bar (Balkie) below the Metal Griffon which also had a ‘Lightning Bolt’

18 Light Regiments emblem was proudly placed on the top left of the 44 Parachute Brigade formation ensemble. This symbolizes both the unique airborne and artillery characteristic of the regiment.

Command Structure - 18 Light Regiment

Commanding Officer
Honorary Colonel Period
Colonel G. C. Olivier December 1984 to Present
Commander Period
Cmdt G. C. Oliver 15-Nov-1977 - 7-May-1981
Cmdt Johan Cloete 7-May-1981 - 31-Jan-1990
Cmdt Bernie Pols 1990–1991
Capt. G J Jarman 1991–1994
Maj R Nell 1994–1996
Maj Eddie Hanekom 1996–2002
Maj Jimmy Weir-Smith 2002 - Information Outstanding
Maj Jaques Viljoen Current
Regimental Sergeant Major
RSM Period
WO2 Tinus Delport 1979 to 1980
WO1 Basie Botma 1980 to 1990
WO1 Vic Victor 1990–1991
WO1 Klasie Langenhoven 1991 - Information outstanding
WO1 Giep Hill Information outstanding
181 Battery Commander
Commander Period
Major Loekie Louw 1980–1984
Capt Clive Wedderburne 1985
Major Loekie Louw 1986
Capt Piere Jacobsz 1987
Major Loekie Louw 1988
182 Battery Commander
Commander Period
Capt Clive Wedderburne 1984
Capt Johan Borret 1987
Capt Johan Borret 1988
183 Battery Commander
Commander Period
Capt Paul Theron 1984
Capt Marcus van Heerden 1987
Capt Andre Pelser 1989


44 FIELD ENGINEER SQUADRON (20 April 1978 to 11 January 1990)

44 Parachute Engineer Regiment

Active 20 April 1978 to present
Country South Africa
Type Airborne Engineers

The unit was inaugurated in April 1978 as part of the formation of 44 Parachute Brigade. Initially a Squadron, it started out from scratch without any office facilities or an official Commanding Officer.[13]

It got its first leadership when in 1982, a then 2nd Lieutenant Gerhard Pretorius was appointed as first Adjutant and later on as first Officer Commanding of the Squadron.

He commenced with the construction of offices and the unit began organizing itself. On the first call out of this unit for training the unit comprised three 2nd Lieutenants and thirty other ranks. The most senior non commissioned officer at the time was a Corporal. The unit underwent its first training at the hands of instructions from Special Forces in demolitions, mine warfare and infantry training. The emphasis of this training being to transform the Engineers from a support role to that of an attack role adding the versatility providing own defense during operations.

In this way the Para-Sapper offers engineering support where required and the ability to deliver enhanced firepower.


Operation “Reindeer”

The 1st Para-Sappers that ever took part in a SADF airborne assault operation were during Ops Reindeer at Cassinga on 4 May 1978. Both were two Lieutenants from the regular force.

Operation “Jabber"” In 1986 the unit served and distinguished itself as a part of 54 Battalion, in Sector 10 as well as in Angola taking part in Operation “Jabber”. It operated independently during the 3 month stint as a mine hunting unit as well as lifting caches, sometimes going on long range mine hunting missions without traditional infantry protection. A contact was recorded between the Para Sappers and SWAPO during such a long range mission where their retaliatory mortar fire caused the enemy to flee.

As a result of the units efforts, record mines and caches were lifted, more than any before and earned it the commendation (Floating Trophy) of Best Reserve Force Unit for 1986 within 44 Parachute Brigade.

With the unit having distinguished itself the concept of upgrading it to a conventional Engineer Regiment was motivated by the Commanding Officer together with the assistance of the Brigade HQ, who embarked up long negotiations and proposals to the Director of Engineers of the S.A. Army who finally accepted. The process of approval and upgrading however was long and protracted with this only realizing many years after.

Members of 44 Engineering Regiment also took part in several other operations:

Operation Boulder -1979/80 Operation Protea, Operation Mispel & Operation Daisy - 1981 Operation Smokeshell - 1982 Operation Fakkel, Operation Meebos, Operation Snoek and Operation Gepetto - 1982/83 Operation Super & Operation Askari - 1983/84 Operation Modular, Operation Hooper and Operation Packer -1987/88


The SQUADRON took active participation in the following Major Exercises :

Iron Eagle 1 (1987), Iron Eagle 3 (1988), Strandloper (1988) and Vlakwater (1989).

44 PARACHUTE ENGINEER REGIMENT (12 January 1990 to date)

The unit finally upgraded to an Engineer Regiment on 12 January 1990 and through its structure continued to provide ongoing Parachute Engineering support to 44 Parachute Brigade for Airborne, air-landed, heliborne and/or amphibious operations.

The role of this Regiment became more prominent with the Changing South African situation with it forming an integral part of Airborne Forces and it positioned to provide Parachute Engineering support in many scenarios from Counter Insurgency to International Specialist Military Assistance if necessary.

As with the Brigade and many units within it, the rationalization process of the South African Army after 1994 saw 44 Parachute Regiment being placed under the command and control of the SA Army Engineer Formation with effect from 1 April 1999.

Under the active leadership, guidance and initiative of Lt Col Krige van Heerden, the Unit received / executed the following prestigious achievements:

Parachute forces of USA (1994 & 1999-2003), Germany (1997 & 2000), Belgium (1997, 2001, 2004), United Kingdom (2002 & 2004), Canada (2002) and Israel (2006); Special Forces of Poland (2003) and Belgium (1997 & 2003).

The REGIMENT took active participation in the following Major Exercises:

As a full Regiment in Exercise Sombré (1992) and on Troop level only in Red Lion (1994) and Southern Cross (1995).

The unit took active participation in the following Minor Exercises :

Super Sapper (1999), Bailey (2000 & 2002), Airborne Africa (2000 & 2001) and Iron Eagle (2001).

It still continues to function as an Airborne Engineering Regiment to date.

COMMAND STRUCTURE of 44 Parachute Engineer Regiment

Commanding Officer
Commander Period
Cmdt J G L Pretorius 1982–1991
Cmdt. K F van Heerden 1991–2005
Lt. Col. J G Benadé 2005 to date
Second in Command
2IC Period
Capt J Rabie 1987–1987
Maj K F van Heerden 1888–1991
Capt G L Browne 1992–1994
Capt P. de V. Van Zyl 1994–1994
Capt J W Joubert 1995–1996
Lt Col P Kuiper 1997–1999
Maj H R du Plessis 2000–2006
Regimental Sergeant Major
RSM Period
AO2 L M Lindeque 1987–1989
AO1 A.L.J. van Vuuren 1989 – to date

Air Supply

101 Air Supply Unit
Active October 1963 to Present
Country South Africa
Type Air Supply

101 Air Supply History - Early Days

In the summer of 1962 three candidates were drafted as a part of a plan that would eventually determine the Air Supply capability in the SADF. The three in question were Servicemen’s Tom Moodie, P A Goosen and C van Heerden who had to report for National Service on the 3rd of January 1963 as members of the Citizen’s Force Unit, namely 101 Air Supply Platoon (101 ASP)[14]

Tom Moodie was further selected to attend Candidate Officer Course which began in April of the same year at “Military Services School?” These three members were allocated to the then “ADK” Corps. Tom Moodie was awarded the commission of Assistant Field Cornet (2nd Luitenant) and served as Quartermaster at “16 K&T” Company in the last 3 months of his training.

The two remaining servicemen of 101 Air Supply Platoon were awarded Non Commissioned Officer ranks and served out their national service as Corporals in the same company namely “16 K&T?” which was located at the Technical Base at Lyttleton in Pretoria. In April of the same year a fourth member was drafted namely Serviceman L Knobel to the same unit. National Service during those days occurred every three months and in the July intake a further 3 members were drafted to the unit and September a further 2 members. In 1964 a further 12 members were drafted to the unit and at the end of 1964 unit strength stood at 21 members. Towards the middle of 1967 the first draft of recruits for 102 Air Supply Platoon commenced

Establishment of 101 Air Supply Platoon (ASP)

On the 23rd of October 1963 Assistant Field Cornet Tom Moodie was dispatched by Captain Jan Klopper to the Northern Transvaal Command where he was informed by Cmdt. C Spiller that a permanent commission post had now been allocated by the SADF for this his position and that this had been awarded to him (During those times it was practice to forfeit a Commission at the end of one’s 9 months National Service)

During this same meeting he was informed that he was being appointed as acting Officer in Command of 101 Air Supply Platoon. During this event 3 Personnel Staff Files were handed to AFC Tom Moodie namely his own and that of the two Corporals Van Heerden and Goosen. On his appointment as Acting Officer in Command, AFC Tom Moodie was only 19 years old, which made him one of the youngest Officers in Command in the history of the SADF at that time.

On the 23rd of April 1964 AFC Tom Moodie was appointed as the permanent OC of 101 Air Supply Platoon, a position that he held for 29 years until 1993. This can also be considered as one of the longest records for an OC of a unit to hold such a position within the SADF.

In December 1964 the first unit camp was held at “Diensvakskool” with 16 members from 101 ASP

Other Permanent Force Personnel skilled to a degree in Air Supply Training were Cmdt. Rasie van Vuuren, AO1 H Freso, Lt. T Greef, Cmdt. Jacall, Sgt. J Grobler and Cmdt. V Hatting

Initially the training took place under the auspices of the “Corps - School Services?”, and even later “KDK school?”. Since the relocation of 44 Parachute Brigade from Bloemfontein to Pretoria training took place on a more intensive basis via the Air Supply Wing of the Brigade.

Practical Air Supply has been taking place for over 28 years in the SADF, with the full spectrum of training that included dates of the methods and methodology used in the Second World War being followed (ejection platform, SEAK-pack on C47) to the most modern system LHPLUS applied on the C130.

Camps and Camp Duties

Up until the beginning of Operation Savanna in 1975 the unit had participated in scheduled training camps where members were called up and trained over fixed periods. The last opportunity where the unit was called up with all members being present was the first 21 days of February 1975. Up until this period the unit had concluded 10 camps. Since February 1975 the unit has been deployed in a full time operational capacity and training and training camps have taken place only on an ad hoc basis where certain elements of the unit were involved

Operational Utilisation

With the commencement of Savanna in November 1975 the unit was deployed in an operational capacity. Originally the unit was deployed in an air transport capacity where members of the unit were stationed at Waterkloof Air Force Base and Air Force Bases in the Operational Area for periods of 3 months to load and off-load C130’s and C160

At the beginning of the 1980s the air transport responsibilities gradually shifted towards proper air supply and operationally valuable contributions towards the war effort on the ground were now being delivered. In this respect the technique of tying heavy wooden platforms with steel cables, also the usage of modern palettes and the “LAPES" (Low Altitude Platform Extraction Systems) which are used nowadays. With the scaling down of border activities the unit has been utilised on a more ad hoc basis and only involved in national military exercises.

101 Air Supply is an important link within the defense supply chain for the provision of supplies from the base to the fighting strip. In this respect the unit works closely with maintenance units in doing so. The Air Supply Unit is not a supply and replenishment unit and also not a typical maintenance unit but rather a unit which can supply necessary supplies and equipment via air at short notice

Participation in Operations

Participation in Exercises

Establishment of 101 Air Supply Company (ASC)

By 1970 101 Air Supply Platoon had participated in 6 Training Camps. This was in contrast to the members of 102 Air Supply Platoon who from its in June 1967 had not yet participated in any training camps. Allocation of members to 102 Air Supply Platoon was slow and the strategy was to first bring 101 Air Supply Platoon to full strength. At that stage 101 Air Supply Platoon was stationed in Pretoria whilst 102 Air Supply Platoon was stationed at Port Elizabeth. The commander of 102 LAP was Lt. J. Morris.

During 1971, a joint training camp attended by both 101 and 102 Air Supply Platoons at Lens in Johannesburg. On this occasion, Lt. Moodie assumed Command. During May 1972, 101 and 102 ASP Platoons amalgamated as one Company namely 101 Air Supply Company with Lt. Moodie being appointed as the commander. This is the current state still held by this company. Submission has been made to lift this status to the level of a Unit namely 101 Air Supply Unit however authorisation is still awaited

Command Headquarters

Since the inception of the unit in 1963, the unit has been under the command of various headquarters:

Headquarters Period
Kommandament Noord Transvaal October 1963 to January 1974
1 Suid – Afrikaanse Corps February 1974 to July 1978
44 Parachute Brigade August 1978 to March 1979
Army Headquarters April 1979 to September 1983
South African Army Logistics Command October 1983 to January 1988
44 Parachute Brigade February 1988 to November 1996
South African Army Logistics Command December 1996 to April 2008
44 Parachute Brigade April 2008 to date


The unit was established with the aim of strengthening the Conventional cability of the SADF. The unit is divided into four Air Supply Platoons and one Transport Platoon with main responsibility and ability being air transport. Unit Camps were mainly to train members of the unit in both Air Supply and Air Transport.

Since 1964 AO1 Ben Viljoen has been the instructor and has established, offered and coordinated training and practice. Unfortunately no one from the Permanent Force side showed interest, read-up-on and researched to the degree that AO1 Ben Viljoen did

This enthusiasm in Air Supply demonstrated by AO1 Ben Viljoen flourished under the encouragement of Brig A. Botes at HQ - level ensuring that the unit had its proper place, but also distribution within the SADF and rightfully deserved.

If ever there was the title of "Sir Air Supply” in South Africa, the honor would belong to no one else but AO1 Ben Viljoen. It is not an exaggeration to claim that 95% of all Air Supply Personnel in South Africa, at some stage underwent training at the hands of AO1 Ben Viljoen and AO1 Hans Fresco.

Command Structure of 101 Air Supply

Officers Commanding

Commander Period
Cmdt B. van Vuuren 1987
Cmdt J. Jackel 1988
Cmdt J.V. Hattingh 1990
Cmdt C. Groove 1991
Cmdt F. Toerrien 1993
Cmdt. J Loyd 1995
Cmdt K K Mancotywa 2000
Cmdt D D Mziki 2007
Cmdt B H Morkel 2009 to Present

Regimental Sergeant Major

RSM Period
WO1 Schutte 1991
WO1 Heilberg 1993
WO1 J Teitge 1995
WO1 M Z Mdolo 2000 to Present

Workshop and Maintenance

37 Field Workshop / 44 Maintenance Unit
Active April 1, 1974 - present
Country South Africa
Type Workshop / Maintenance

37 Field Workshop

37 Field Workshop was established 1 April 1974 in Windhoek, South West Africa as a Citizen Force second-line workshop under control of the then SWA Command.

On 19 January 1976, the unit was transferred without any personnel to Pretoria as a second-line workshop under the command of 1 SA Corps. The unit was originally established as a Technical Citizen force Unit in the SWA command. The unit first began to play an active role when it was under the command of 1 SA Corps. Under the command of SA Corps, the unit completed several tours of duties in the operational field and also in conjunction with 2 Parachute Battalion.

1 SA Corps was de-activated in 30 January 1977 and all Citizen Force Units were re-allocated. The unit has been under the command of Northern Transvaal Command since 1 February 1977 in its previous format which includes to the present day Far North and Eastern Transvaal.

With the establishment of Far-North Command, Eastern Transvaal Command and the activation of 44 Parachute Brigade, the unit was placed under the command of 44 Parachute Brigade, from 16 January 1984. The unit is the only technical services unit of 44 Parachute Brigade. It is also the only Parachute technical services unit in the SADF. Since its inception the unit has done technical repair tasks under command of various Headquarters.

Participation in Operations

Command Structure of 37 Field Workshop

Commanding Officer

Commander Period
Cmdt P.M de Beer 1-Jan-1979 - Information Outstanding

44 Maintenance Unit

Command Structure of 44 Maintenance Unit

Commanding Officer

Commander Period
Maj N. Richie-Robinson 15-Oct-1984 – 30-Apr-1986
Maj E. Crots 01-May-1986 – 05-Feb-1991
Cmdt H Frits 06-Feb-1991 – Information Outstanding


44 Signals Squadron
Active April 1978 to Present
Country South Africa
Type Airborne Signals

44 Signal Squadron

In April 1978 the Minister of Defence, Mr P.W. Botha authorized the forming of 44 Signal Squadron. During the time of 24 September 1980 until October 1986, it supported the Brigade in all aspects of signals; e.g., the supply of communication and the manning of a Communication Centrum (Comcen).[3]

On 2 October 1986 the Signal Unit was formed with Commandant Lombard as commander and his task was to supply the Brigade with communication and to establish a full strength Signal Unit. His second in command was Maj P. Drotsky and the RSM P. Snyders.

The signal unit flag was authorized in 1986.

In May 1989 the newly promoted Commandant Drotsky took over the command of the unit and Captain Hein von Berg became his 2IC.

During 1990 it was decided to move the Brigade to Bloemfontein and this move took part during 1991. Some of the Brigade units were moved to Pretoria City and the Signal Unit moved into the Paulhof building, in Minnaar Street, on 29 November 1991.

During 1991 WO1 J.J. van Aswegen became the RSM of the unit.

Command Structure of 44 Signals Unit

Commanding Officer
Commander Period
Cmdt M. Lombard 01-Aug-1984 – 31-Mar-1989
Cmdt P. Drotsky 01-Apr-1989 – Information Outstanding
Regimental Sergeant Major
RSM Period
WO1 J.J. van Aswegen 1991 - Information Outstanding

Medical Services

44 Medical Task Group

44 Medical Task Group is a Satellite Unit of 7 Medical Battalion Group 7 Med Bn Gp consisting of a platoon size medical group consisting of Operational Medical Support Operators or Ops Medics. All qualified members of the Task Group are static line parachute qualified. Selected members are Freefall, HALO/HAHO and or Tandem parachute qualified enabling the Task Group to support the Parachute Battalions , Parachute School and Regiment in the full spectrum of requirements.

Command Structure of 44 Medical Task Group

Commanding Officer

Commander Period
Cmdt Kriek Williamson Information Outstanding

Regimental Sergeant Major

RSM Period
W01 Willie Bolton Information Outstanding

Anti-Air Craft

44 Anti-Aircraft Regiment
Active Information Outstanding
Country South Africa
Type Airborne Anti-Aircraft

44 Anti-Aircraft Regiment

Command Structure of 44 Anti-Aircraft Regiment

Commanding Officer

Commander Period
Maj P. Case 01-Jan-1986 – 31-Dec-1988
Capt J. Roux 01-Jan-1989 – 31-Mar-1990
Maj J. Lourens 01-Apr-1991 - 31-Dec-1991
Capt G. Krenzer 01-Feb-1991 – Information Outstanding


  1. ^ a b 44 Parachute Brigade 1997 - Col Skillie van der Walt
  2. ^ “Eagle Strike” on Operation Reindeer and many other documents - Col J. D. Breytenbach
  3. ^ a b c “We conquer from above” Paul Els
  4. ^ a b “We fly with the Eagles” (Pre-publication) Paul Els
  5. ^ “The South African Paratrooper” (Historical Summary for 30th Anniversary Celebrations) 44 PARA BDE/514/2/9/1 Col McGill Alexander
  6. ^ "LMT awarded Gecko work". defenceWeb. 2011-09-09. http://www.defenceweb.co.za/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=18868&catid=74&Itemid=30. 
  7. ^ McGill Alexander, Edward (July 2003) (PDF). The Cassinga Raid. UNISA. http://etd.unisa.ac.za/ETD-db/theses/available/etd-06022004-113815/unrestricted/00dissertation.pdf. Retrieved 2007-09-05. 
  8. ^ Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa Report, Vol. 2, Chapter 2
  9. ^ "SA to Say Sorry for Celebrating Defence Force Raid". The Star. 6 June 1996. 
  10. ^ Pathfinder Company 44 Para Brigade, SADF: Angola 1981 Reproduced from: `The Elite’, Vol 5 Issue No. 51, pp. 1014-1020” - Graham Gillmore
  11. ^ 141 Airborne Artillery Battery - Col Herman van Niekerk, M C Lowes
  12. ^ History of 18 Light Regiment - Lt Giel Joubert, Maj Loekie Louw and M C Lowes
  13. ^ Brief History of 44 Parachute Engineer Regiment - Cmdt KF van Heerden, Cmdt JGL Pretorius, Brig Gen S.S.Schreuder (SM, MMM), Col Ray Farrell
  14. ^ “History of 101 Air Supply" - Cmdt Herman Morkel

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